Stress and anxiety should be unwelcome. In a lot of business spaces though, the design and landscaping facilitate conditions that are the opposite of inspiring. Employees come in and immediately are centered somewhere that’s sure to heighten their stress levels and potentially increase anxiety over the course of the day.

How you can break the cycle of stress and anxiety is by making a few simple adjustments to landscaping and building design.

  1. Make It Warm

When we talk landscaping, it’s not just about what you do outdoors. It’s indoors as well. Aka plantscaping, the addition of premium real-looking faux plants indoors can make a work environment feel more warm and open.

  1. Rotate According to Season

Real plants are seasonal. They live and die by the season. Faux plants do not. They can last decades. That’s great but to have them on display for that entire time in the same planter and position is not. Try to rotate new plants and old plants out according to the season or switch planters.

  1. Inspire With Something Unique

Run-of-the-mill plants aren’t what you want for a workspace. Give it some personality and inspiration. Show those entering that there’s life where they’re walking into. Find lively, unique artificial plants that speak to you.

  1. Don’t Rule Out A Large Tree

Large artificial trees have a way of changing the dynamics of a room. A small plant can be hidden. A large tree can’t. If you have the space to accommodate a large tree into your landscaping indoors or outdoors, make it at least a consideration.

  1. Be Careful of Lighting

You don’t want any dark shadows being created around where you place your faux plants. Furthermore, placing them in a dull, empty corner should be done with adequate light. The absence of light can take away a lot of the warmth plants – real or faux – can offer.

  1. Incorporate Natural Features

Especially in a break room where relaxation and recharging are important for every employee, landscaping can incorporate not only plants but other natural materials as well, such as stone, woods, a stream of water, or similar items. You don’t want a space to appear dirty, however, materials you use should be clean enough to be in an office.

  1. Position Tabletop Plants Close By

If you are in an office with multiple people, consider having everyone pick and order for them a faux plant for their desk. This instills a sense of ownership over their plant. It also doesn’t sign up anyone for care and maintenance like a real plant would. Décor-wise, fake plants for business offices aid in productivity, concentration, focus, and have some real mental health benefits as well.

  1. Eye-Catching Texture

Texture is very visually stimulating. In an office, where you want wakefulness, focus, and participation, a uniquely textured plant can be distracting in a good way and help to make people think about things other than any stress or anxiety they may be holding in. Try a plant equipped with an unexpected texture or that looks interesting.

Fake plants can play a role in reducing office anxiety and stress. Try these strategies and see the impact they make on the day-to-day not only for you but others as well. Visit for artificial plants, faux flowers, fake greenery, and more.
Andrew Lu